BeFi token for All


What is Beagle Finance?

Beagle Finance (BeFi) is a DeFi Ecosystem Built for massive income earning, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum are two of the most common blockchains of choice for DeFi projects. But when it comes to blockchain fees, Binance Smart Chain is substantially more cost-effective than Ethereum.

Beagle Finance treasury for seed fundings will be held in the Funding pool transparent to all our community. There will be 2 mechanisms to grow this treasury for growing numbers of seed fundings; token allocation from seed funded projects and reserve tokens available for the fund pool presented in the tokenomics part.

At it’s base fund pool will work to fund more projects, and thus provide more rewards from the funded projects for stakers and experts involved in the community involvement programs. As well as having the mechanisms in tact for making sure the fund pool is resourceful, and operations to grow Beagle Finance ecosystem is fully supported.

The core system whereby fund pool works is described below;

1.Each project that has been selected for the Beagle Finance & incubation program through the result of the community DAO votings will receive 75.000$.

2.In exchange, Beagle finance will have a contract for 3% of the tokens from the funded projects.

3.The acceptance threshold here will be recommended as 80% yay votes, so to invest only in projects that most of our community loves. (This parameter will be subject to change through DAO governance as Beagle finance pool grows.)

BeFi token for All

A Visionary token that can serve as a store of value, an investment tool and also a governance tool.

50 Quintillion Total Supply

Making BeFi available to all with good volume, demand and value. HODL, Stake and Trade BeFi token.

Listing On 7 Exchanges

Along with listing on Pancakeswap, Beagle Finance Token (BeFi) will be listed on 1inch, BakerySwap, Binance, Hotbit, MXC, etc…

Be a Part of the Community

By holding BeFi tokens, you become a part of BeFi Box governance and can vote and get paid for major development steps.

Beagle Finance - BeFi Powered Dapps

We are building an entire open access, tokenized and decentralized ecosystem to enable smart infrastructure built around a decentralized digital economy..

Beagle Swap Beta

A Decentralized Automated Market Maker built off pancakeswap with an option to buy tokens with leverage.

Beagle DEX

A Decentralized Cryptocurrency exchange with an optionn to pay fees with BeFi instead of BNB

Decentralized Financing (DeFi)

Our Ecosystem will support DeFi options such as staking, farming and other high yield options. You will be able to farm BeFi tokens by staking them and also farm BNB, BUSD and other tokens by staking BeFi


  • Pre-sale: 0.01 BNB = 10,000,000,000 BeFi
  • Minium buy 0.01 BNB - Maximum buy 10 BNB
  • You will receive 100% commission when your friends buy through your link.

Get your Referral

  • Refer your friends and claim 500,000 BeFi
  • You receive 500,000 BeFi and your Friend receives 1,000,000 BeFi
  • There’s no limit to the number of your referrals!

BeFi Tokens

Our Tokens with a high yield DeFi use case created on the Binance Smart Chain.

Presale Information

  • Public Sale StartsJune - 1st 2021 12:00 GMT
  • Public Sale Ends - 30th June 2021 12:00 GMT
  • Total Token Supply - 50,000,000,000,000,000
  • Tokens Allocated for Presale - 3,000,000,000,000,000
  • Hard Cap - 3000 BNB
  • Soft Cap50 - BNB
  • Token Value - 1 BNB = 1,000,000,000,000 BeFi
  • Accepted - BNB Only

Token Allocation

  • Token Sale Program: 60%
  • Reserve Fund: 8%
  • Team and Founders: 15%
  • Board Advisors: 4%
  • Ecosystem Development: 7%
  • Marketing and Bounty: 6%

Funds Allocation

  • Engineering and Development: 40%
  • Business Development: 12%
  • Marketing & Promotion: 20%
  • Legal & Regulation: 10%
  • Operational & Administration: 8%
  • Contingency: 4%
  • Partners: 6%

Beagle Finance 2021 ROADMAP

Q2 - Concept creation, Whitepaper, Initial Team formation, DAO Development, DAO Interface, Splitter Contract Development, Staking Development, Project Proposals Interface

Q3- Automated Reward Distribution, Staking Interface, Multichain Wallet Creation, Smart Contract Audits, Releasing all the development with Custom Interfaces

Q4- Financial Projections for Staking, Transparency Dashboard, Community Involvement Programs Alpha, Feedback Based Improvements for Dashboard, Community Involvement Programs Final Version, Solution Partners Program, Community DAO sessions for 2022 Roadmap

Community Update: Yield Farming Mechanism + Launchpad has also been added to the roadmap of Q3.

2021 ROADMAP (In Detail)

During Q2 of 2021, we will have our DAO and Project Proposals systems development started for our dashboard, so our community can start to participate in Beagle Finance DAO sessions, as well as start to vote on which projects to select to our seed funding & incubation program.

After the market release event, the Initial DAO Sessions events will be announced, and will start very shortly, regarding community involvement programs & rewards, so we can have our mechanisms according to our community’s decisions, and develop products for its automated organization. During the final sections of these sessions Beagle Finance DAO will be used. Development will start right after the finalizations, and during the development of these products alternative 3rd party tools will be used so community involvement programs can start from the very-first community-selected projects.

In Q3 of 2021, we will release Staking & Automated Reward Distribution mechanisms, also integrated to Beagle Finance dashboard, so from the distribution of the tokens of very first incubated projects these systems can be already available, bug tested, and security audited. 

In Q3 of 2021, Multichain Wallet Creation system will be released starting with Ethereum and Polkadot, and as new projects are selected by our community with tokens from different layer 1s, we will deploy the compatible wallets for those networks as well.

In Q4 of 2021, we will release the system of Financial Projections for Staking, so our staking mechanism can be used as a DeFi Seed Hedge Fund for participants who are interested in a hybrid DeFi mechanism, and stake according to financial data.

In Q4 of 2021, we will release the final version Transparency Dashboard, and sections for Fund Pool, Staking, Community Involvement Rewards and Beagle Finance Operations. While the full version will be completed at Q4, there will be certain sections completed before this timeline.

In Q4 of 2021, we will release the finalized Community Involvement Programs framework, also integrated to our dashboard, paired with Multichain Wallet Creation and Automated Reward Distributions.

In Q4 of 2021, we will release the Solution Partners Program, which will help incubated projects get support from verified solution partners, and develop useful and important partnerships more easily through this interface.


At Q4, we will also hold brainstorming sessions, gather our community’s recommendations on new features and products that they would like to see in our ecosystem, and finalize these with DAO voting sessions for deploying the next yearly roadmap of Beagle finance product ecosystem for 2022.

These yearly roadmap sessions will be done at each year’s Q4, so we can continue to set new goals each year with our community, and continue to grow Beagle Finance ecosystem accordingly.

For more info please visit:


Author : samuel321

Bitcointalk username: Samuel321

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1925101

Telegram username: opeyemijayeoba321

Bsc Address: 0x0fdCEeA617F0D2BF265763A8524aB537a267908F


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